It has been over 6 months since my last post and I can say blogging is hard but progress is just a day at a time…
I can say that I enjoyed the Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2024 and learned a lot and felt that I could make a site with the knowledge. That is were the challenges start coming up.
The biggest issue that I found was using the pug view engine and when the checkboxes that I had in a form were not being passed to the website as expected. I found there were some answers but finding the community is not huge. So I talked to my kids (have three that are in software development, with my daughter just finishing her degree) and decided that with the knowledge that I have that my next step is to learn a skill that is more mainstream and has a larger community.
Right or wrong that is the direction that I am taking now which has lead me to stay on the Jonas Schmedtmann learning path and move to the React course that I mentioned back in November. Excluding the optional section I am currently just shy of 44% done.
I feel this course is going much faster as it is building on the other courses that I have used in the past and while I have some that say my 4th of July weekend sounds sad, spending 30-50 over the weekend continuing my growth is my idea of a good time 😁.
I am finishing up one of the projects in the course that is used to track cities/countries that you have visited and it provides that to a display map. This is perfect for the emergency response app that I have been thinking about. As a high over view:
- Have a list of people (this will be for my Church congregation)
- Each time we have a bad storm (such as tornados, which we have had two in the last two years) generate a new check in task
- Each family needs to be check-up on to complete the list.
- List be updated with peoples status and needs if any.
- Group the people
- Region Leaders
- Individuals assigned to people to check in on.
This is just one of my ideas that I want to work on as I have to many ideas going through my head that I will love to share here in the future, these are the ones that I can think of currently. Some are side hustles some are just to make my life a little easier, but all are to expand my knowledge of what I am learning:
- Property Management/Home Maintenance
- Application, Bug, Customer Sync software
- Group Emergency Response
- Group Event reminder (text/email)